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Joshua Miller

SolidOffers Team

Joshua Miller

Job Title/Position:

Founder & CEO at SolidOffers (Real Estate & Home Selling Specialist)

Years of Experience:

15 years of Experience in Real Estate & Home Selling Industry

Formal Education:

BS Mechanical Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Joshua Miler Founder and CEO of SolidOffers
Joshua Miller CEO and Founder of SolidOffers
Joshua Miller


After completing hundreds of real estate transactions, Joshua Miller founded SolidOffers to give homeowners more and better options when selling their properties. He enjoys spending time traveling with his wife and 3 children. On his bucket list is to ski every continent, he still has Antarctica and Africa left.

Solid Offers

Blogs Written By Joshua Miller

autumn house fallen leaves
Josh Miller

Top 7 Tips to Sell a House in Autumn

Selling a house in autumn can be difficult with fewer buyers and less inventory, not to mention fast-approaching holidays, but

key to house how to sell rental property
Josh Miller

How to Sell a Rental Property

Selling a rental property has more challenges than selling a primary residence. Often, it is easier and more profitable not

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